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What My Clients Say


Steve McKnight

After extensively reviewing a ton of prep coaches, I reached out to Steve to help me with nutrition and posing after I decided to compete in a bodybuilding show.

In simple terms, Steve built a nutrition plan that worked. Almost immediately the number on the scale started to drop and continued to drop throughout the program in a steady and measured rate. When I initially thought about going on a contest prep nutrition plan, I was worried that I would be starving the entire time and miserable. However, with Steve’s plan I was never hungry.

Steve also helped me with posing. After attending a couple of posing clinics, Steve helped me fine tune my posing and walked me through the entire process of stage presentation. Steve was able to build my confidence through his guidance and coaching so that when I stepped on stage I felt completely prepared.

Working with Steve made the contest prep easier and less stressful, and most importantly, successful.

Stephen McKnight

First Place, Masters Men’s Physique 35+ Class B
First Place, Masters Men’s Physique 45+
2016 NPC Kentucky Derby Festival Championship