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Contact Steve
Email: flexwriter@aol.com
Phone: (502) 296-2244
I have been working with Steve since the beginning of 2012. We actually competed against each other in 2005 at the Kentucky Muscle. Our first year working together he made me an overall winner in my weight class and a State champion. The following year I did my first national ...
Kevin Johnson
I have been working with Steve since the beginning of 2012. We actually competed against each other in 2005 at the Kentucky Muscle. Our first year working together he made me an overall winner in my weight class and a State champion. The following year I did my first national ...
Kevin Johnson
I have known Steve for over 20 years. We started talking about working together 4 years ago but I could never nail down the appropriate time. When I decided to do the Master's National's this year, I had very high expectations (to win my class in the 40 and 50 ...
Vernon Ervin
Since having Steve Weingarten as my coach, I’ve seen tremendous results. Steve’s meal plan and workouts helped me lose a total of 20 pounds of fat! Steve helped me bring my very best package to date and I won Open Figure Overall at the Kentucky Muscle Bodybuilding show October 2018. ...
Kezia Mullen
When I first met Steve I honestly didn't know if I ever wanted to compete. I was terrified of anyone even seeing me outside of my baggy hoodies and even bigger sweat pants. I was even more terrified for Steve to look at me for the first time.. I imagined ...
Jodie Engle
I started working with Steve back in May of 2018 after running into him at my wife's figure competition. He had reached out to me about competing in the Kentucky Open and after a few days to think it over, I agreed. I had entered into a 16-week prep starting ...
Chadd Tyler
I would like to thank Steve for all his help in making my first season as a figure competitor a huge success! The meal and workout plans were very specific to the goals I had in mind. Steve stayed in contact with me every step of the way and was ...
Debra Benedict
I had always been a gym rat but was just staying fit and going through the motions. Who would have thought at the age of 47 that I would be interested in getting into a physique competition? I had no clue of what to do and what it really took ...
Tyrone Burroughs
Seeking a coach for my first competition, Steve came highly recommended. I made the 3.5-hour drive to meet him and left more informed and excited to begin working towards my goal. Steve was very professional and knowledgeable. He spent time inquiring about and listening to what I hoped to achieve. ...
Lora Jarvis
I was in search of a good coach to help with my prep when a friend recommended Steve. After meeting with Steve, I felt confident I had found a good coach by the questions he would ask to understand what my goals for the show were and what exactly I ...
Neal Miller
Steve helped me achieve one of my lifelong dreams: to compete in a bodybuilding event. I’ve lifted weights for a quarter of a century, always trying but never reaching a level at which I could compete. About 3 years ago, I had Steve measure my body fat and asked his ...
Chris Graves
This year I competed in my first two shows, Kentucky Natural and Kentucky Muscle. Having never competed before, I was beyond lost on how to prepare. Fortunately, a couple months prior to my first show I was introduced to Steve Weingarten.
Steve was able to assess my physique and come up ...
Eric Slover
I had been working out on my own for a few years and had achieved some results. I decided to compete in April 2015 at the Derby competition and hired Steve to coach me through the process. The nutrition plan and workout routine that Steve provided for me really gave ...
Paula Catt
I started working with Steve in 2012. I was 19% body fat and we reduced it to 9% body fat. Excited about prepping for my first show, I overdid it and sprained my lateral meniscus eliminating me from competing for two years. During this time, I became depressed, frustrated, and ...
Robert Byrd
I am an NPC Men’s Physique competitor and I started working with Steve to prepare for my first competition. Steve was great at easing my nerves and worries about stepping on stage for the first time. He is extremely attentive and will do what ever it takes to make sure ...
Patrick Mahoney
When people ask my honest opinion about Steve as a coach I can only say one thing: passionate. He holds a strong passion for the sport and a willingness to help each client reach their goal. During my prep he was always one text, call, or email away to ensure ...
Judge Love
I’ve always been an active individual, but with all I had going on in my life I couldn’t figure out how to achieve my fitness goals. January 2013, I decided to bite the bullet and seek out a personal trainer. I had no idea how this decision would change my ...
Danya Trowel
After extensively reviewing a ton of prep coaches, I reached out to Steve to help me with nutrition and posing after I decided to compete in a bodybuilding show.
In simple terms, Steve built a nutrition plan that worked. Almost immediately the number on the scale started to drop and continued ...
Stephen McKnight
I started working with Steve in August of 2013. I was looking to become more competitive after my second NPC show where I placed 5th. My body, however, seemed to be hanging on to more fat than usual and I was having trouble putting on muscle.
Steve encouraged me to take ...
Jenny Wax
I first met Steve in Feb of 2015 for competition training. I have over 20 years experience teaching fitness. However I had never competed before. Steve led me every step of the way. He provided a meal plan that immediately helped me drop body fat. Steve advised me on workouts, ...
Roxanne Kimbell
October of 2009 I stepped off the stage in St. Louis after competing in what I expected to be my final body building competition. It had been a great few years of competing but I had just turned 35 and I thought it was time to move on. After all, ...
Mark Cecil
Working with Steve removed a lot of the mystery and guesswork around dieting to change my body. I learned how to apply clean nutrition to achieve my goals of competing in a show, and then used his guidance and knowledge to come back and win 1st place in a national ...
Misha Tsozik
I had originally hired Steve in 2010 to work with me for the Kentucky Muscle. He introduced me to new training methods for a few months of my off-season, and he really impressed me with his knowledge when it came time to get into competition condition. We communicated a lot ...
Autumn Cleveland
I met Steve in August of 2014 to start my prep for the Tricky Jackson Classic and KY Muscle for teenage bodybuilding. Being only 19 I had no idea what I was getting myself into. I didn't know how to diet or prep, and I needed someone to be a ...
Justin McDaniel
Before meeting Steve I was a weightlifter. After working with Steve I became a bodybuilder. I wanted to compete in my first bodybuilding show and I elicited Steve's help in order to do so. He worked with me on every facet along the way. Planning of the diet, the workouts, ...
Will Smith
I had always thought about doing a physique competition, but never felt that confident to actually go after it.
Finally I said that I was going to do it. Six weeks away from the competition I was introduced to Steve. He said we had a short time to prepare but I ...
Tim McClellan
Is producing one champion after another a mere coincidence? I think not!
Steve has done it over and over again, and that’s why I hired him. And he did the same for me!
If you're looking for a coach who will go that extra mile, then Steve is your man.
I just achieved ...
Tristen Hines
I have been an NPC competitor for two years now. What a difference my second year made, after I hired Steve to coach me!
I would have to compare Steve to the "DOC" from Back to the Future! He's been there, done that, and will continue to succeed with anyone’s personal ...
Phillip Palmer
After lifting weights for more than 30 years, I was in a state of disappointment. Yes I was strong, but you sure couldn't tell it. I had listened to all the free "gym advice" and nothing seemed to work as far as getting rid of the fat covering up muscle ...
Rob Miller
At 48 years old I found myself at nearly 350 lbs on my 6’ 2” frame, with elevated blood sugars and knees that could not lift me from a chair without a struggle. The weight gain did not happen over night, but over a span of 15 years. Sure, I’d ...
Christopher Roszman
"Steve is an expert on all aspects of fitness. He is well read and always studying the latest science on diet and exercise. It's important to me that I train with someone who is receptive and curious about new techniques and information."
Beth Andrews
Prospect, KY
Beth Andrews
Steve Weingarten has been my trainer since 2000. In almost 15 years, Steve has proven his knowledge of training, meal plans and fitness in general to be unparalleled. If I encounter an injury, he always comes up with a solution so as not to bypass ultimate results. As my goals ...
Doyle Glass
I did my research when I chose Steve as my personal trainer. I wanted a trainer that would meet me where I was and design a personalized program. I was worried that, as a former college athlete, who was now in my 40’s and overweight and out of shape, that ...
Leslie Texas
For the past four years, since moving to Louisville, I have struggled to find a trainer who was a good fit for me. Everyone was trying to keep up with the newest trends and exercise regimens, while I was simply looking for someone to give me an old school "back ...
Lindsey Gividen
I was diagnosed with hypothyroid and severe adrenal exhaustion. Crucial to my recovery is supervised exercise involving proper weight training technique. I know now that investing in a properly trained, knowledgeable and experienced personal trainer is investing in myself. In retrospect, I wish I had done this earlier in life ...
Tiffany Blunk Guerrero RN, BSN
Back in 1999, when Millennium Madness excited the world, I was simply mad that I found myself weak, middle-aged and carrying a spare tire where I didn’t need one. I was fitness-minded, meaning I obsessed about food while eating donuts and I worked out…sometimes. I was never athletic and didn’t ...
Derek Stobaugh
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